Status Bar (Map Window)

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The mapping window status bar is directly below the mapping window.



The status bar displays information about the map, such as the current map scale, width, and height, as well as information about individual features on the map. 


Mouse Position:


Displays the coordinates of the current mouse pointer's position in the mapping window as you move the mouse around in the map.



Map Object Tooltip (Maptip):


Displays the current tooltip of the map object of the current mouse pointer's position in the mapping window. 



Map Object Selected:


Displays the most recent selected map object.



If more than one map object is currently selected then it would display "2 'Address' selected" if the same object type is selected twice. Or, "4 feature(s) selected" if multiple object types have been selected.



Map Scale:


Displays the current mapping window scale.



The mapping window scale is the ratio between one unit of distance on the map and the real-world distance it represents. For example, if a map is displayed at a scale of 1:200,000, then one centimeter on the map would represent 200,000 centimeters (2,000 meters) in the real world. The larger the second number in the ratio, the larger the area of the Earth that is displayed (zoomed out), and the smaller the scale; the smaller the second number in the ratio, the smaller the area of the world that is displayed (zoomed in), and the larger the scale. For example, 1:1 is life size and is therefore large scale, whereas 1:200,000,000 is zoomed out to display the whole Earth and is therefore small scale. The fact that a larger second number creates a smaller scale and vice versa can be very confusing. A good phrase to remember is "as large as life" to help you remember that the closer you get to a scale of 1:1 (life size), the larger the scale is.


See also Engineering Scale


Map Width:


Displays the current mapping window's display width and height in the units set by the user's Preferences.



Busy State:


When the map is in a "Busy State" it may briefly display the following instead of the mouse position:



Please see definitions for dynamic verses static layers in Layer Basics.


See also Toolbar Busy State